July Workshops 2019



Two workshops in Derbyshire.


Create Digital Art on your iPad or iPhone.

Unleash the creative potential of your iPad or iPhone using the Brushes XP app and learn how to create digital drawings and paintings with confidence. Explore the simple and then more complex elements of the app and take away practical experiments to support your own drawings and paintings.

9th June, 10 – 3.45pm, £79, including materials and refreshments; please bring your lunch.

The workshop will be held at The Art Room, Barlow, Dronfield, S18 7TE. For further details and booking, please head to www.fieldbreaks.co.uk or email: info@fieldbreaks.co.uk.


Can you Cut the Mustard?

Have you some experience with lino cutting and printing and now feel ready to extend your skills or are you new to the process? Over two days, learn how to design for lino, cut and print a single colour block and then create  two/three colour prints. Explore ideas that inspire you and create a small edition of unique lino prints and learn how to continue creating lino work in the context of your own home.

10th – 11th July, 10 – 4pm, £160, including materials, refreshments and delicious 2 course lunches each day.

This workshop will be held at St John Street Gallery, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 1GH. For further details and booking, please head to www.stjohngalleryandcafe.co.uk or call Petra and Mark on 01335 347425.